Sunday, January 11, 2009

8 - 11 weeks

We finally managed to capture at least the beginning of one of those hard-to-photograph smiles:

Here's Alyssa with Dr. Bear, who obtained a PhD in bearology:

Enjoying a Mother Goose story!

Alyssa sits on Daddy's lap...

...and is just incredibly cute! You need to click on the image to fully appreciate the little dribble coming from her mouth :)

Alyssa was very excited about the keyboard, and even pressed some keys on her own. This is not a staged photo - she really did press the keys!

With Great-Grandma on Christmas Eve:

With Cousin Nancy on Hanukkah:

Alyssa with cousins Sabrina, Ashley, and Abby:

Just taken yesterday. Compare to the first picture in this post to see how she's grown in 3 weeks!

Finally, a little video of Alyssa making sounds. At 40 seconds, Mommy asks, "Can you say 'boo'?", and Alyssa responds.

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