Monday, October 19, 2009

Cute videos, almost one year old

Alyssa turns one year old this week! Her language skills have really taken off. She's always surprising us with new words, she knows so many commands, she tries hard to imitate what she hears, and she sometimes speaks in long, babbling sentences. Here are a couple of videos showcasing her speaking and listening skills!

Mama or Dada: "Alyssa, can you sing a song?"
Alyssa (in high pitched voice): "La la la!"

Alyssa can point to about 15 body parts (on herself or someone else), and can identify at least 5 articles of clothing. And she can thump her chest like a gorilla (a "lala"), do silly arms like a monkey. And look what just came back after a two-month hiatus: her silly face!

This is Alyssa "going boom on the bed", a a trick she devised on her own months ago:

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