Monday, August 10, 2009

Alyssa making her silly face

Alyssa is 9 to 9.5 months old in these pictures.

Ask Alyssa to make a silly face, and she is happy to deliver! She learned how to do this by looking at one of the pictures in her Baby Einstein book; in the picture, Vincent Van Goat is sticking his tongue out. Alyssa seems to hear the words "silly face" regardless of the context, so if you say, "Good silly face!" you'll get another silly face.

She learned to crawl a couple of weeks ago, and now she's quite fast. She just started pulling herself up to stand.

Alyssa's diet consists of avocado, Dinty Moore beef stew (pureed, with added carrots and potatoes), chicken stew (made by Daa Daa), soy yogurt, Cheerios, bites of watermelon (we call it "red melon" because she knows what water is), blueberries and grapes (both chopped), bites of bagel, and decreasing amounts of formula. We put as much formula powder and canola oil as we can into the food to make up for her lack of formula.

We had visits recently from Omi and Opi and Grandma!

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