Look who can stand! (Provided there's something to lean on)
She's getting quite a little vocabulary, too. She knows the answer to "What does a cow say?" (Answer: "Mmmmmmmm!") as well as "What does a dog say?" (Answer: "daaaaag!", her word for dog). She was quite pleased with pointing out dogs in the park the other day: "dag! daaag! daaaaag!"
Her other words include "egg" (for an egg-shaped rattle that she enjoys), "doll" (which sounds distinct but similar to "dag" and "da da"), "ball", and "hi". And, of course, "mama" and "dada", which she has said for a while now. She also clearly understands "water" and "bird". I'm sure I heard her say "good girl" when she did something she thought was praiseworthy, and I heard a very clear "outside" one morning when we were opening the window blinds.
She also repeats short musical phrases. like "ah ah ah" spoken in different pitches.
Now, if she'd only eat more than 10 ounces of formula in a day...